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Old 11-29-2007, 09:42 PM   #1
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Default Let's here what your running in your rigs!

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Old 11-29-2007, 10:32 PM   #2
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Well, I am still land based and have a Kenwood TS830S Gold with a Turner antenna tuner, Hustler 6 band ground mounted vertical with 12 radials, a Carolina Windom 80 dipole for the house. My truck has a Icom 208H dual bander with a Larsen dual band antenna on the front fender.

I am still looking for a good mobile HF rig and then figure out an antenna system...Looking at the Icom 7000 and a Tarheel screw driver....but need to see how much is in the cookie jar.

Then I need to rig up a portable antenna for the RV.

73's Ken
2013 HitchHiker Champagne 38RLRSB, 2012 F350 Dually crew cab, 6.7L,
Mobile- Yaesu FT857D w/ Lil' Tarheel II antenna and Larsen dual bander, Turbo Tuner.
Base unit...Kenwood TS480HX, LDG AT200 Pro tuner, Eagle One Vertical and Windom 80 meter dipole.
Standard Schnauzer..her call is K9WOOF
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Old 11-29-2007, 10:47 PM   #3
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Well I run 2 radios in my rig, I have a IC-706mkiig connected to a Icom AH-4 antenna tuner loading a 102" whip. It will load 80 meters to 10 meters but I don't think it is any good on 80 but works great on the other bands. When I'm not using it for HF I have it parked on 146.52. I also have a Kenwood tm-D700 connected to a Garmin hockey puck GPS unit and run APRS and I used the other band for repeaters. Once I get to the Campground I move the 706 into the trailer and use a Buddipole antenna.
73 de Bill, (N7OQ)
RV: 2006 Outback 23RS
USAF Retired, God Bless our Troops
Licensed in 1978 ex N7AFX, DA1VW, KK6GR
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Old 11-30-2007, 07:37 AM   #4
Richard Stouffer
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When parked I have 35 foot wire out of an AH-4 hanging from MFJ's 33 foot fiberglass mast. It's held to the ladder with a flag pole mount I found on the internet. The coax (213) runs from the dinette slide through the raceway with the other utilities and then through the frame to the engine compartment (it's a dp). I've grounded the radio to the inverter's ground buss and the antenna to the motor home's frame. That hasn't worked out too well and I have tripped the GFI a couple of time in the motor home.

I usually run an Icom 7000 in the RV if we are parked for more than a couple of days because it's what I use in my toad and it is a pain to move it If were are only camping for two or three days I use a 706 Mk II.

Overall the performance has been mediocre at best. The only exception was when parked at Dellanera RV Park on the beach in Galveston. I got some great 20 meter contacts on that set up.

I have got to do some experiment with the grounding for both DC and RF. I’ll be in Florida over Christmas and plan to spend some time working on it.

I would really like to hear what others have done with regard to grounding.

By the way, one habit I've gotten into to avoid starting a riot at the camp is to put up my TV's bow tie antenna, turn on the TV antenna booster and key the transceiver to see if I get any TVI.
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Old 11-30-2007, 07:56 AM   #5
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:19 AM   #6
Richard Stouffer
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Before I drive a cu rod I'm going to try the water pipe. I'll end up with too much cable, probably 10 to 12 feet at most camps, but I'm running my DC ground that far now to get to the inverter’s ground buss. I am using braided strap for the DC. I use the shield from 213 coax and it seems to work pretty well and it's a lot more flexible than stranded 8 gauge or larger wire.

Regarding your the "air inductor" I read an article somewhere a couple of weeks ago about eliminating feedback through the coax shield. The author recommended 12 turns of coax around a 4 1/2 inch diameter PVC pipe at the base on the antenna. I've built one and use it on the base station. It eliminated some problems I was having here with feedback when running my 500 watt amp. I'm going to take it with me on the next trip and see if it makes a difference.

Between now and the next RV trip I’ll be trying to figure out why my next door neighbor is hearing faint conversations on his TV.
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Old 11-30-2007, 04:44 PM   #7
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TS2000 to an Astatic AST 6BTV HF Portable Antenna 4 band (10, 15, 20 & 40 or 80 meter)

In my Wrangler I run a IC706 ACH4 and a whip.
2000 Monaco Knight 36Z
- Kenwood TS-2000
- SG237 Tuner & Long Wire

2006 Jeep (X2)
- iCom IC-706MKIIG
- AH-4 Automatic Antenna Tuner to a 102" Radio Shack CB antenna

Guinness the cat

Full-timing Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2011

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Old 11-30-2007, 04:51 PM   #8
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I am running a ICOM MK IIG through a LDG Auto Tuner to a quick disconnect on top of my ladder. I have most Ham Sticks and Hustler resonaters for all bands. I also have a long wire for 75 Mtrs that I use when trees are available to tie to. My ladder is grounded to the coach frame. I also use a ICOM power supply to power the rig. I have never had any problems with TVI or any other kind of interference. I have satelite TV and regular over the air TV from batwing antenna. Maybe I am just lucky - I don't know. TVI and stray RF are STRANGE to say the least. Good luck and travel safe...........Jim
2005 Damon Challenger 36' Class A Coach pushed by 2000 Tacoma TRD 4WD, ICOM Mk IIG portable, Ham Sticks or Long Wire. Base - ICOM 756 Pro II, 80, 40 Mtr Dipoles and 5 band beam, Ameritron 811H. Portable Hughesnet when possible. Retired USAF 1979.
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Old 12-10-2007, 12:27 PM   #9
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We are new to ham but not to rv'ing. If camping with W/E hookup it would seem a good ground can be had with a jumper with large alligators on the ends and go from frame to water pipe. Bolting a piece of stainless to the frame and clamping to it for a good connection would be a plus....heck just a 1/2" SS bolt "double nutted" through the frame would be a simple connection. A ground rod can be used when dry camping.

I'm just using a Yaesu 8800 right now. Going for general soon...then a new radio????

Input please

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Old 12-10-2007, 05:54 PM   #10
Richard Stouffer
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When I upgraded to general I look very seriously at the Icom 756 Pro III, I had the 706 MKII at the time. The price was a bit high, but the performance seemed top of the line. Then I read a product reveiw in, I think, the April 2005 QST of the Flex-Radio SDR-1000. I did some additonal research and decided that was the rig for my base station. I've had that unit for a little over two years and I've since moved on to the Flex-Radio SDR-5000A. SDR is not for everyone, especially if you don't like messing around with computers. I wouldn't use it for a mobile unit and, although I've done it, it isn't my first choice a station in the RV.

If you want to try a more economical approach, there are used Icom 706 MKII's out there for sale because a lot of the early adapters have upgraded to the Icom 7000. I still have both the 706 and the 7000 and wouldn't part with either one. They are great mobiles and decent base stations. Although the 7000 has some really neat features over the 706, I think they each perform equally well. Check eBay of used 706's.

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Old 12-23-2007, 01:27 PM   #11
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In my pick up I use a IC706MKII w/ACH4 and a steel whip. Works great.
In my RV I am looking at putting in a IC706MKII and maybe a High Sierra Antenna, Not sure which one to go with. But there is a lot of time to look around.
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Old 12-23-2007, 02:35 PM   #12
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Right now, an Onan Emerald Gold 5500, Detroit Edison flaked out and the house is on E-Power, Thankfully I added a heavy duty (30 amp dual line) outlet to the MH and a matching inlet and generator transfer panel to the house.

Normally, Towed Yesau FT-51R with Mirage 35 watt "Brick"
Motor home in motion: Kenwood TM-733, both of these feed a Diamond dual band (2mtr 70cm) NO ground plane antenna

Motor home parked Kenwood TS-2000, feeding an assortment of long wires via a KAT-1 Tuner, and an assortment of home brew antennas depending on the band, including one 80 mtr dipole, I'm still working on my porcupine quills, ur, antennas.

I'm hoping to make it so I can use the TS-200 on 52.525 mobile too, by using a wireless mic on it. (Motorola HT)
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Old 12-25-2007, 01:39 AM   #13
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Default My TT Station

I run a Yaesu FT-7900 dual bander and an Icom IC-718. Antennas are a Diamond base unit dual bander and a Hi-Q 3-80 with a 102" whip. [B]oth are mounted to the top of the roof access ladder with homemade angle iron brackets. The dual bander attaches with wingnuts and lays upside down next to the ladder for travel. The Hi-Q gets threaded on and off its 3/8 mount stud, and has a 12 turn shunt matching coil....tuned with a simple DPDT reversing switch. Loads all abnds 80-10 with excxellant performance on all bands. The base of the ladder is grounded to the trailer frame with a 4" length on 1" wide braided grounding strap.

Brad, N7NWL
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Old 12-25-2007, 09:02 AM   #14
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In my MoHo I have an Icom IC-2720H VHF/UHF connected to an MFJ Glass mount dual band antenna. The rig is most of the time on 146.52 and tuner 2 on 162.55 or other weather channel. I also have an Icom IC-706mkii HF and AH-4 Tuner, and if I ever get a round-to-it, they will become operational. I don't much care for underway QSO's, at least not HF while driving the MoHo, it requires full attention if you know what I mean. Eight and a half feet wide plus 8 inches of mirror on each side, on a 9 or hopefully 10 foot lane, I'm 2 handing it.
2004 Fiesta 26Q
2002 Jeep Wrangler
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Old 01-11-2008, 09:00 PM   #15
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We have a 32' Crossroads Zinger parked in Freedom, NH. I use the back bedroom for my shack because it has its own back door and lots of shelf space. I run an Yeasu ft857d into an LDG Z100 tuner. I use a laptop for logging and digital work. The antennas are a g5rv jr. and a 2m/70cm j-pole. This summer I plan to use a 30' telescoping mast for a 4el 2m and a 3el 6m beam. A rotator is possible if I can find a used Channel Master some where.
Hope to work some of you from the portable QTH!

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Old 01-23-2008, 08:54 AM   #16
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I just ordered my equipment.
I went with a Yaesu FT-897D, the AH-4 Tuner by ICOM, and a 102" whip mounted high on the MH.
I have to interface the ICOM AH-4 but that's not a problem using the Better RF interface. It fools the radio into thinking the AH-4 is a Yaesu tuner.
I had this same setup in a truck when I towed our large 39' 5th wheel a few years back and it worked well.
I can also clip extra wire to the stainless steel whip and toss it to the trees if I need more antenna for more bands.
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Old 01-23-2008, 09:21 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by w7wv View Post
I can also clip extra wire to the stainless steel whip and toss it to the trees if I need more antenna for more bands.
Now, why didn't I think of that??
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Old 01-24-2008, 09:43 AM   #18
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Well I thought I had already replied to this thread, but I dont see it so....
I have a Yaesu FT-7800 dual band in the truck (that pulls the fiver). I have a Yaesu FT-1802 2 meter at the house with a Hustler verticle antenna at 65 feet. Also at the house is a HF rig that is a Yaesu FT-77. It covers 10m to 80 meters (skips 60 meters). It was made in the mid 80's. It's antenna is a SGC SG-103 folded wire dipole 90+/- feet long at about 40 feet high. That antenna requires no tuner on 10m to 80m bands. I've talked all over the planet with that radio / antenna at 100 watts.

I need another dual bander for another vehicle and then some radios in the fiver someday.
.... 73 ... Robert
ARRL VE...General
Texas State RACES 32-463-G
Uvalde County, Texas
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Old 01-25-2008, 09:45 AM   #19
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Motor home: Driver's seat Kenwood TM-733 Dual bander feeding Diamond Dual bander mounted on mirror, Pair of CB's one Radio Shack one Cobra (13 and 19)

"Other seat" (Ham shack) TS-2000 feeding mostly long wire antennas and assorted VHF antennas Some day I'll rig the TS-2000 so I can run it on 6-FM half-remote but not yet

Towed Yeasu FT-51R , 35 watt "Brick"and another Diamond dual bander
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:00 PM   #20
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You can see my install in progress under Rag Chew that I just posted.
I even put up a pix of the mess, so far.
And jagco, I got the idea of adding wire looking at the instructions to the AH-4 tuner.
I did this before in my truck that I towed my 39' 5th wheel with and ran an IC-706 at that time. It does work well.
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