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Old 09-22-2010, 11:15 PM   #1
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Default LDG Tuner Question

Got a chance to get a LDG Z100 plus autotuner. Anyone have any thoughts on it!

The guy wants to trade me my MFJ 949E for it. I know it is only rated for 125 watts, but I only run barefoot.
Galen - KF5BET
Crysti - "the CHIEF"
Abbi - KF5BEW dd
Kendra - KF5FYS dd
Maggie - Cat chaser
2005 F250, 1996 Nomad
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Old 09-23-2010, 08:05 AM   #2
Andy N1ORK
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What rig will you use it with? Make sure it will interface well with your rig. I had an older Z100 and it worked well with my Yeasu FT857D and the correct cable for auto-tuning. I use a G5RGjr dipole (40-10m) and it will tune it to about 2:1 for occasional 80m use. Because I wanted to use a CAT control at the same time, I traded up to a YT-100 which works real well and allows me to use my logging program CAT control at the same time as the Auto-Tune feature which uses the same port on the radio.
LDG makes good tuners and I'm happy with both that I've owned. Why is the other person willing to trade?
Andy - n1ork

CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on?
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
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Old 09-26-2010, 10:35 PM   #3
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Hey Andy:

Been working extra long hours trying to get a job out....anyway

I will be using my IC740 with it. No interface or anything else. Will just use it as a tuner for my zs6bkw (souped up g5rv).

The kid wants to get rid of it because he wants a roller inductor tuner which is capable of higher output. He said that he was having problems with the tuner and sent it to LDG and it came back tested good (saw the paperwork). He found a bad solder connection in his SO239 at the antenna connection that was the problem. Nothing to do with the tuner.

I was/am pretty hesitant, but he offered to throw in a dummy load and a SWR meter, so I am kinda leaning toward taking the deal.

I have the tuner to try out so hopefully will be able to hook it up later this week when I can actually come home from work at a decent hour.

Will let you know.
Galen - KF5BET
Crysti - "the CHIEF"
Abbi - KF5BEW dd
Kendra - KF5FYS dd
Maggie - Cat chaser
2005 F250, 1996 Nomad
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