OK, starting this new section of the forum off, here's the radio room (or at least my corner of the basement) at KU4OJ. Note the Heathkit HW-101 on the right. I built it 25 years ago and yes, it still works.
Great shack!
After seeing the pix I am not sure that I did the right thing in joining up. My place don't even come close to that.
I follow a former supervisors example; A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. (Hi)
Great shack!... A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. (Hi)
I would post a more recent picture but the health dept. might not allow it.
That picture was taken right after I built the new table (all plywood and 2x4s) and lot's of folks in my local club didn't speak to me for a week or two.
Great shack. Reminds me of my grandpa's shack, that interested me in radio in the first place. My shack is no more. Not much equipment (lightning) and no room. Once we move, we'll have a basement and I can work towards replacing more things. That will happen after my oldest son graduates (2008).