I worked the following in a 40 min period:
I2VRN 7.182.50 Italy
EA7KW 7.178.0 Spain
TM9R 7.179.0 France
HA6Ps 7.184.50 Serbia
9A1A 7.188.00 Croatia
OM3GI 7.191.0 Slovak Republic
OE4A 7.193.00 Austria
HI3TEJ 7.198.50 Dominican Republic
You probably know this was a contest weekend and many stations were on the air, but above that I was amazed at how strong and clear the signals were and the ease of making a contact, especially for the fact that I have a 100 Watts into a Tarheel screwdriver on an RV. I really don't like contests, but just couldn't resist a little taste.