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Old 07-20-2011, 09:59 AM   #1
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The below was posted over on HRN a few day's ago, thought Ya'll might want the info if you havent heard about it already.

73, John

Loss of two meter simplex frequencies EMINENT in Texas!

Texas two meter simplex users stand to lose a large portion of available frequencies if proposed changes to the two meter band plan are passed by the Texas VHF-FM Society.

In an effort to make room for D-Star repeater pairs, the Society has proposed a revised band plan that will take spectrum from two meter simplex users statewide.
Below is the band plan being proposed by the Texas VHF-FM Society:
146.450 - 146.490 MHz, High in/low out, 1 MHz offset, 12.5 kHz channel spacing or less, any
digital voice/data air interface technology suitable for the Amateur Radio Service that is compatible with the channel spacing. No analog transmission permitted.
145.520 Analog
145.540 Analog
145.560 Analog
145.580 Analog
145.600 Analog
145.620 Analog
145.640 Analog
145.660 Analog
145.680 Analog
145.700 Analog
145.720 Analog
145.740 Analog
145.760 Analog
145.780 Analog
146.420 Analog
146.440 Analog
146.450 Digital }
146.460 Digital }
146.470 Digital }--------------- Simplex allocations that will be lost due to proposed restructuring.
146.480 Digital }
146.490 Digital }
146.560 Analog
146.580 Analog
147.400 Analog
147.420 Analog
147.440 Analog
147.450 Digital }
147.460 Digital }
147.470 Digital }-------------- Simplex allocations that will be lost due to proposed restructuring.
147.480 Digital }
147.490 Digital }
147.560 Analog
147.580 Analog

This proposal was placed on the table at the March 1, 2008 General Meeting of the Texas VHF-FM Society and has yet to be voted on, possibly due to opposition from avid simplex users.

Contrary to public opinion, two meter simplex frequencies are regularly, and in some cases heavily used throughout the state.

A well-established group of simplex operators in north and east Texas have used the frequency of 147.420 on a daily basis since the mid 1970’s. While that frequency is not in immediate danger of being reallocated, other well used frequencies are!

A group of simplex operators around the Cedar Creek Lake area in eastern Texas that regularly use the frequency of 146.475 stands to lose that piece of spectrum.

146.500 is another frequency currently being used on a regular basis by hams from Dallas all the way down into the Waco area that is on the chopping block.

I’m sure there are many more frequencies all across the state that are in use that we do not know about! If anyone knows of other simplex frequencies in use in the state of Texas please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

In an effort to display the utilization of these simplex frequencies I am asking for all Texas two meter simplex operators to attend and cast a vote at the Texas VHF-FM Society’s Summer Meeting that will take place at Austin Summerfest 2011. The meeting will be held Saturday, August 6th at 1:00PM in the Pecan Room of the Austin Marriott Airport South at 4415 South Interstate 35 in Austin.
In order to vote at this meeting you MUST be a member of the Society! To become a member you must download the form from the link below and send it back with $15.00. (I guess it’s sort of like a poll tax?)

I believe I speak for most all avid simplex operators when I say, I am in no way anti D-Star. New technology and operating modes are the life blood of amateur radio. What I am against is reallocation of simplex spectrum as repeater pairs! D-star or analog, a repeater is a repeater and should be placed on frequencies that are already allocated for that purpose. If all of the repeater pairs are in use then get on the waiting list; just as analog repeater owners do. What is the rush?

Hams always say “Use it, or lose it” when it comes to radio spectrum. Well, this time it’s being used and we still may lose it!
DE: John W9WLS
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Old 07-20-2011, 10:46 AM   #2
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Another instance of the vocal minority imposing their will on the silent majority.
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Old 07-20-2011, 12:13 PM   #3
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Below is the REPLY that I posted on HRN !

Quote from Wikipedia: "The first manufacturer to offer D-Star compatible radios is Icom. As of July 06, 2011, no other amateur radio equipment manufacturer has chosen to include D-Star technology in their radios. The technology requires the use of a proprietary AMBE Codec that is owned by Digital Voice Systems, Inc. and is only licensed to Icom at this time."

Well here I go Sticking my foot in my mouth again:
It always amaze's me how a small group of people seem to decide what's good for them is good for everybody.
The biggest problem I see at the moment is that as in the above quote the key word is "PROPRIETARY" and so far I see no other equipment on the market or anyone building an "ADD-ON" box / adapter at an affordable price to the rest of the amateur community.
The next thing is , since D-STAR is "PROPRIETARY" doesn't this present something of a conflict with the rules ( PART 97 ) ?
Next, since this is still a repeater system why doesn't it fall with-in the same rulings as an analog repeater system and why can't those "GOOD-OLE-BOY'S" down in Texas who do the repeater coordinating go through and weed out some of the "PAPER REPEATERS" and utilize those pairs ?

Don't take me wrong, I have nothing against digital technology (or TEXAN'S) but I have to wonder if this group is going to buy every ham in Texas new Icom radio's ($$$$) just to be able to use these "PROPRIETARY" frequency's ?

I have heard that in many areas club's and other organizations (ares, races) are getting grant's from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to install repeaters (D-STAR) with the intent of having a repeater in EVERY county of the U.S.A. that is "LINKABLE" to the next (something like trunking) a interesting idea but in some areas not quite practical.
Is DHS going to provide every ham in the U.S. with a new D-STAR radio or two ? probably not !

Well , there's MY RANT for the morning, NO FLAMES PLEASE, Just thoughts.
DE: John W9WLS
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Old 07-21-2011, 06:39 AM   #4
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Very well said John, my feelings exactly.

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Old 07-22-2011, 06:33 PM   #5
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and the idiocy runs amuck everywhere....
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Old 07-23-2011, 10:36 AM   #6
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Well, Icom is hoping that other companies, Kenwwod, Yesau, China based firms, whomever, may well "Jump" on the D-Star bandwgon and pay them a licensing fee.

Such was not the way of Ham radio for many decades.. but Icom is hoping that's changed.

What is the way of Ham Radio: Some experimenter tinkering in his grage, spare bedroom, or basement workshop, coming up with a new and better way to do it.

That's the fun of this hobby.. Playing with theories and making them work.. Not patents and copyrights.
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