View Full Version : Introvert vs Extrovert Poll

01-03-2014, 07:08 PM
I'm trying to prove a theorem: I propose that most ham radio operators and RV campers tend to be introverted.

For the purpose of this poll, let's use these definitions:

The extrovert, when in need of a recharge or refreshment, will want to spend time with friends, sharing, laughing and generally having a bit of a party.

The introvert, when in need of a recharge or refreshment, will seek quiet solitude, perhaps with music, reading, or pursuing a hobby.

Based on the above definitions, which are you?

01-03-2014, 07:31 PM
Introvert, that's why I camp in the willy wags. Don't mind talking to people on my own terms hence the ham radio don't like the program I can change the channel and no one knows the difference.

01-03-2014, 08:20 PM
I enjoy small groups of friends. But when I'm emotionally ragged out, solitude is my solace. And the fewer man made things and noises around the better.

Which is why I prefer the State Parks to the KOA campground. Nothing wrong with KOA, especially if you ask all the extroverts that hang out at the pool until quiet time! ;)

We are who we are.

01-03-2014, 09:29 PM
Interesting. Your definitions are not quite those of the professions, I think. Shrinks tend to think of these in terms of what people want to do as a default condition, and your defs seem to refer more to what people actually do in particular circumstances (though you do use the word want). By your definition, I'm an extrovert (I seek other people whenever I can), but really I'm an introvert who gets too darned much solitude and thus seek extroversional remedies to compensate.

Incidentally, it's more often spelled extravert, but I spell it the way you do; we're in a minority, but it's a fairly large minority.

01-03-2014, 10:15 PM
I think it may be intravert as well, but MS spell checker liked it the way I had it. I plead ignorance and blame the computer.

The definitions are paraphrased and I forget which book I was reading when I came across them.

I enjoy a certain amount of social interaction, I like batting ideas around with good minded people and working to solve problems and reach goals with teams of bright people. We introverts have to interact with others sooner or later or we would go extinct. :D

But when the batteries are dead, I hide in the woods, or in the basement if budget/weather constrains camping.

01-06-2014, 12:15 PM
Well, as of right now we have 41 veiws but only 7 responses to our poll.

Some folks are so introverted they won't even answer the poll question?


01-07-2014, 06:21 AM
Maybe he poll weevils got it.