I have both the High Serria screw driver antenna's as well as an Perth outbacker
which I have used on my over the road truck an Class C motor home over the
years. Now that I have been retired for a few years I mounted the outbacker
on my F350 dually tool box and had a stand for the screwdriver to put out
behing the motorhome. Now that we have traded the Class C in an bought a
5th wheel I intend to do the same or run a coax to my tuck while camping.
I believe in lots of grounds, I have ground straps from my truck cab (both
sides) and the be of the truck(both sides and back) to frame. I carry a ground
road (4ft) as well an when I was in the Class C I also used it when camping.
I didn't get to play radio much last year in the 5th wheel but when I did I
had more noise that I ever had in the Class C. I believe this may be from the
inverter not only from my rig but others, I have put in some filter's and choke's
to see if I still noise.
I see ref. to the antenna made by W8AFX at
http://www.w8afx.com/ but se
nothing about how tall, how it works I only see a few pictures, one of two
peaces of black PVC connected to a ladder and one of a car with a very
tall antenna on it. So my questions are which picture is the antenna, or what
is the antenna, how's it work, what's it made of