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Old 01-06-2008, 08:24 AM   #1
Richard Stouffer
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Default BigIR III

I currently use a HyGAin DX-77 for my base station. I use a vertical because of the deed restrictions that I'm faced with. It's mounted to a hinge so I can easily raise it when it's dark. The problem is that it's a pretty high maintenance antenna and it's a mess to try to run an amp through. It will tolerate 600 watt PowerCube evey once in a while, nad then not for very long. I suppose it I kept the antenna in perfect condition it would perform better, but there are other things I rather be doing- QSOing comes to mind.

The HyGain runs very well barefoot so I have been thinking about using it with the RV and getting the SteppIR BigIR III with the 80 meter coil for my base station. Everyone I've QSO'd with who has one loves them. Has anyone here used one? Again, I'll use it for my base station and it will be ground mounted. I'm not going to be able to run the radials symetrically because of various obstructions, so that is a concern.

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Old 01-21-2008, 12:23 AM   #2
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I have a friend in wyo. that has one of thse. PM me and I will send you his e-mail and you can email him for a lot of good info about the stepper.
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Old 01-21-2008, 07:42 PM   #3
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I too have been looking at the BigIR, my vertical (14AVQ) I have right now is getting old and the last storm that packed 70 mph winds did a number on it so I will be replacing it.

I have had the 14AVQ sense 1978 and it has been to a lot of places including Germany and installed both roof and ground. It works 10 times better on the roof with 2 radials for each band. When I ground mount it without radials I get great SWR's but not very good signal reports. When I had it mounted in the yard of my last house I tried it with only a 8 foot ground rod and it just didn't get out very well. Sense I did not have a very big back yard I ran radials where I could, some around things and some only 3 or 4 feet but I put as many in the ground as I could and it was like night and day. You can tell when you have good ground plane because your band width gets smaller sense the Q of the antenna get better.

MFJ sells a plate that mounts under the antenna and acts like a big capacitor and couples the antenna to ground it might help.
73 de Bill, (N7OQ)
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Old 02-12-2008, 03:11 PM   #4
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Take a look at this website for home QTH vertical antennas.

I just ordered the 43' multi-band vertical. It should have been here last week but Fed Ex can't find my address.

The regular guy has no problem but whoever replaced him for vacation must be blind!

Anyway, I will post an opinion on it once I get it and install it. has some reviews on it. All were positive. It looks like a low maintenance antenna.
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Old 02-14-2008, 06:29 AM   #5
Richard Stouffer
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For the record, I did order the Big SteppIR with the 80 meter coil. While I'm suffering the insufferable 3 to 4 months lead time I'm burying radials and ordering the other hardware I'll need. I think, budget permitting, I'll run LMR 600 and bury it from the house to the antenna.
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Old 02-15-2008, 06:15 PM   #6
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Default Bury it good.

I have all my feed lines in conduit from the op shack at the house to the tower base in two 4 inch abs conduit runs. Length is 150 + ft. Lines are all 1/2 inch and 7/8 inch hardline (andrew and cablewave). I tried early on with a few runs just direct bury and that did not work out so good. Spend some $$ and you won't be sorry.
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