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Old 07-16-2017, 06:51 AM   #1
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Default Drones for RVing

Hey everyone, I am absolutely in love with this website so far. I have been looking for somewhere that I can chat with other road trippers and this is perfect!

Now for my question, has anyone ever brought a drone with them on a road trip in the RV? I was thinking of picking up one so that I can take some cool videos when we park up, maybe even try and get some driving clips while the wife is driving the RV and I am controlling the drone? I don't know, just some thought. There are some really small ones I saw online that could even take video inside the RV while driving.

What do you all think of the idea? Personally I think it should be great(the wife needs a little convincing, thus this thread was born) as we will get some amazing clips to show people when we finish the trip. The other thing I am asking is if anyone knows some good drones for what I am asking, or even just a place to look at buying them from. I prefer to get something like this online as if I go to the store all the guys in there just treat me like their dad who knows nothing about computers. Any advice you guys have would be amazing, and very welcomed. Thanks!
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Old 07-16-2017, 01:18 PM   #2
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A drone with a decent camera, great software will set you back over $1000. You need a tablet for good control. Many campgrounds and RV parks now restrict the use of drones as they may be considered an invasion of privacy. Flying one just standing in one place can be a challenge let alone fly one while moving. A recent rally I was at one of the people had a very nice drone that was about $2000. Drones have to be registered with the government also. Good luck on finding one suitable at a reasonable cost. I know another RVer that just bought a reconditioned one for about $1100. Check Amazon or Ebay, look at product reviews.
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Old 07-19-2017, 03:48 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by electricflyer View Post
A drone with a decent camera, great software will set you back over $1000. You need a tablet for good control. Many campgrounds and RV parks now restrict the use of drones as they may be considered an invasion of privacy. Flying one just standing in one place can be a challenge let alone fly one while moving. A recent rally I was at one of the people had a very nice drone that was about $2000. Drones have to be registered with the government also. Good luck on finding one suitable at a reasonable cost. I know another RVer that just bought a reconditioned one for about $1100. Check Amazon or Ebay, look at product reviews.
Thanks, I had no clue there was so much to do but now that I know I can get started. I have also been seeing some drones around that price point lately, so I know that is a decent price. Thanks for the advice electricflyer.
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Old 07-21-2017, 07:24 PM   #4
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Without a "follow me" control and good cell phone coverage driving won't work and they are not as fast as an RV about 20 minutes is about it for the battery to. Yes quality drones are $500 up. There are restrictions flying them in public good ones let you know when it's running out of battery and many will "come home" however they will not land exactly where you expect them to and can come down pretty fast all of them are no better that the guy flying them.
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Old 07-24-2017, 06:02 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by RVHavingFun View Post
Hey everyone, I am absolutely in love with this website so far. I have been looking for somewhere that I can chat with other road trippers and this is perfect!

Now for my question, has anyone ever brought a drone with them on a road trip in the RV? I was thinking of picking up one so that I can take some cool videos when we park up, maybe even try and get some driving clips while the wife is driving the RV and I am controlling the drone? I don't know, just some thought. There are some really small ones I saw online that could even take video inside the RV while driving.

What do you all think of the idea? Personally I think it should be great(the wife needs a little convincing, thus this thread was born) as we will get some amazing clips to show people when we finish the trip. The other thing I am asking is if anyone knows some good drones for what I am asking, or even just a place to look at buying them from. I prefer to get something like this online as if I go to the store all the guys in there just treat me like their dad who knows nothing about computers. Any advice you guys have would be amazing, and very welcomed. Thanks!
I got some paperwork being submitted right now for the permits and licensing, and I and going through and checking with the places we plan on staying at to see if they allow drones and at what height. The fun part came when I bought the drone; I ended up buying one from someone that had already assembled and tweaked the drone so there is little to do on my side. The seller was advertising on and after a quick chat I was able to go see how these things work and make our little exchange. Thanks for the help guys!
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Old 07-24-2017, 01:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by electricflyer View Post
A drone with a decent camera, great software will set you back over $1000. You need a tablet for good control. Many campgrounds and RV parks now restrict the use of drones as they may be considered an invasion of privacy. Flying one just standing in one place can be a challenge let alone fly one while moving. A recent rally I was at one of the people had a very nice drone that was about $2000. Drones have to be registered with the government also. Good luck on finding one suitable at a reasonable cost. I know another RVer that just bought a reconditioned one for about $1100. Check Amazon or Ebay, look at product reviews.
If you fly as a hobby it does not have to be registered if it's less than .55# However a lawsuit was filed and at this point you do not have to register a personal quad at all it is uncertain if the FAA will fight it or not) there are a good deal of can and cannots most all are common sense. Here is a good read from the FAA be ready for a bit of Gov. speak but the answers are there and for a hobbyist not overly restrictive just sensible operation.
A quality quad can be bought for around $500 they have GPS controls making them easy to fly by comparison to cheaper stuff that leaves you on your own to fully control the aircraft. A lot of hand eye stuff and the whims of any wind making it a full time operation. The better ones stop in place when you release the controls the cheap ones have a tendency to wander around on their own unless you are paying strict attention you have to fly it. My first one was a do it yourself flyer and miraculously I still have it despite things like trees and buildings I will say if you could fly them you can fly any modern quality one.
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Old 07-24-2017, 08:22 PM   #7
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It occurred to me that a drone would be THE WAY to hang dipoles in trees...

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Old 07-25-2017, 09:29 AM   #8
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Yeah I thought about that but decided about the time I went over the top the line would get tangled and there would be my drone hanging from the top of the tree. I thought about scotch tape on a light line that would pull off then changed my mind and borrowed my friends air cannon!
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Old 11-13-2017, 04:42 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by electricflyer View Post
A drone with a decent camera, great software will set you back over $1000. You need a tablet for good control. Many campgrounds and RV parks now restrict the use of drones as they may be considered an invasion of privacy. Flying one just standing in one place can be a challenge let alone fly one while moving. A recent rally I was at one of the people had a very nice drone that was about $2000. Drones have to be registered with the government also. Good luck on finding one suitable at a reasonable cost. I know another RVer that just bought a reconditioned one for about $1100. Check Amazon or Ebay, look at product reviews.
You've hit the nail on the head. It sounds amazing and fun at first, but there are so many con's people are not aware of until they actually try it.
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Old 12-05-2017, 09:29 AM   #10
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At present you do not have to register your drone due to a lawsuit that was filed this does not mean you don't have to follow the rules. Right now you can be flying a nice drone for about $500 with a tablet or a smartphone. Mine does real time video (and decent photos 12 MP) you can actually see where you are flying, GPS guidance, hover in place, return home and other nifty tricks for about $500.
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Old 12-05-2017, 11:29 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by electricflyer View Post
Many campgrounds and RV parks now restrict the use of drones as they may be considered an invasion of privacy.
Privacy -- in an RV park? Far out, man.

In RV parks, actually, privacy is so fleeting and so precious that everyone respects it more than in almost any stick-house neighborhood. If I'm in the middle of something, I can leave a couple grand worth of tools, instruments, and a Rolex watch out on the picnic table overnight and they'll all be there, untouched, in the morning -- unless I doze off inside and it rains, in which case some neighbor will bang on my door to let me know, or bring his own tarp and cover it for me.

Good people!
-- Carl
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