I heard the CQ through the QRM and thought I'd answer the call. My name is Bill and have been a ham since '58 (novice). Upgraded to general in '63. Went to USAF pilot training in '61 and retired in '91 here in Alaska.
First "RV" was a two-door Studebaker Lark with separate tent (in PA). In '63 we got a VW Camper bus (Texas) followed in '67 and '70 with a couple of truck campers. Had a 29 foot Class A for 4 years, but made the drastic switch back to good old "back-packing" until yesterday. We now have a 22' '06 Winnie Chalet Class C on a Ford E350 chassis.
We are planning a road trip from Wasilla in a couple of weeks to the "Lower 48" to visit in-laws and "outlaws" in PA with stops along the way to check on old friends. I am installing two rigs for the trip: an HF station(706 with Tarheel II antenna) and a 2 meter rig.
One look under the hood of the E350 tells me I am going to have trouble routing cables into the cab. If any of you have any suggestions, please pass them along. I am not new to installing mobile rigs, but this 2006 engine compartment under the hood leaves little room for punching into the driver's position.
Happy to join the QSO and 73,