09-08-2011, 12:11 PM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Fayetteville, GA, USA
Posts: 3,017
9/11 Special Event Station
I recieved this in an email and thought it of interest to the forum.
I thought this might be of interested to some operators.
NW2C 911 - Special Event Station
On September 11th, 2011, ten years after these atrocities, the Northeast Wireless Radio Club will honor all those who have died, and those who continue to fight the war on terror. We will broadcast a Special Event Station, NW2C from historic Fort Totten, located in Bayside New York, only a few miles from Ground Zero. Fort Totten was one of many places used in the recovery and healing during 9/11. Perhaps, in this small way, we here at the Northeast Wireless Radio Club will contribute to our nations promise to NEVER FORGET.
We will be on the air Sunday, September 11th from 12noon till about 6pm EDT (NYC) - 1700z - 2300z. We will be operating in the General Bands. Please check the clusters for frequency updates. We will have operators on Phone, Digital and CW.